The 23rd PNCO Regional Eliminations will be held on March 9 (Saturday) with the contest examination being from 10 AM to 12 PM (subject to change). This will be done virtually using this Moodle Platform that has been put up just for this year’s Regionals.


    • Individual credentials for the participants to access the platform will be sent upon confirmation of their participation. This is once the filled registration form has been received and processed by the Regional Coordinator.
    • Once the participants receive their account credentials, they may log in and instructions will be provided on the modality of the contest.
    • The participants will have access to a practice exam that they can attempt as many times as they want to get a feel of the actual contest examination.
    • An orientation and demonstration will also be scheduled on the day prior to the contest examination so that we can proceed smoothly.
    • The contest examination is scheduled to open at exactly 10 AM on the 9th of March, 2024 and will close at exactly 12 PM. Prior to this the participants will have no access to the exam and can only do so with the practice examination.


    •      The contest proper will be virtually monitored by a team set up by the Regional Coordinator (depending on the number of participants). This will be done either through Zoom or Google Meet (links and follow-up instructions will be sent). The link will be opened an hour and a half before the contest examination.
    • During this time, the Regional Coordinator will conduct an identification protocol to properly identify the contestants. Each participant will be assigned a contestant code which they should use as their on-screen names on Zoom or Google Meet. Additionally, the participants will also be required to show proof of identification (school IDs, National IDs, etc.) for additional verification. The proctor will also be checking the setup of the participant as outline in the following two bullets.
    • The participants should prepare two (2) devices to participate in the contest proper:
      1. A laptop/desktop PC (a tablet is acceptable if it is able to access the platform; the use of a phone is discouraged) – This will be used to access the contest examination.
      2. A phone – This will be used to access Zoom or Google Meet.
    • The phone should be placed in such a way that the following must be seen by the proctors:
      1. The participant (at least half body)
      2. The screen of the laptop/desktop/tablet
      3. The general working area of the participant
    • It is advised that the participants attempt the practice examination as many times as they can so that they can get a feel of how to use the platform.
    • The contest examination contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions from the coverage outlined in the general guidelines of the PNCO.
    • The duration of the contest is only two (2) hours from 10 AM to 12 PM. The examination platform will automatically close and will not be accessible to the participants past 12 PM. All answers that have already been logged will be submitted and the examination will be tagged as finished.
    • The results of the contest will be tabulated immediately after and the rankings relayed. The top five (5) winners (Champion, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up, 3rd Runner-up, and 4th Runner-up) will then be competing in the National Finals that will be on the 13th of April, 2024.

    For more information on how to take the exam, please have a look at the file labeled "Moodle Platform Instructions" below.